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The Heron Partnership's Quality Star Product Ratings for 2024/25 are now featured on Heron Advisor.
Heron Advisor's "Features and Cost Comparison" module, in addition to providing a full comparison of product features, for up to 5 products at any one time, it also enables the modelling of the impact of fees and charges of each product over the lifetime of an individual's investment to retirement.
Heron Advisor's "Choice of Fund" module enables comparison of an employer's corporate plan, including the impact of actual fees and charges, with any other Heron Advisor assessed product. It will assist a new employee decide if they should join their employer's default fund or continue membership of their existing fund?
Heron Advisor consists of a number of optional modules which allow you to use Heron Advisor in the way which best suits your practice.

Features Comparison

Continuously updated information enabling financial planners to efficiently undertake "from and to" comparisons using weighted analysis.

Product score graph

It is an ideal resource to produce "from and to" comparisons.

Product specifications can be updated on a 24/7 basis by Product Issuers as and when changes are introduced.

Subscribers to this service can down load material from the Product Comparator to include in Statements of Advice or alternatively Statements of Advice can be produced through Heron Advisor.

Features & Cost Comparison

Similar to the "Feature Comparison" module, but with the added power of allowing you to calculate and model the costs for each product as they would apply over the lifetime of the member's investment.

Choice of Fund

Fee impact graph

Enables corporate superannuation fund members through the financial planner attached to the fund, assess the value of that fund against other alternative funds the individual member may be considering in a "choice" environment.

In a choice of fund environment, it is imperative that financial planners and product issuers have strategies in place to maximise the retention of existing assets and members in their corporate superannuation funds.

The Choice of Fund module has been designed to help with the retention and attraction of assets into company "default" funds.

The aim of this tool is to allow individuals (with the help of a financial planner) to compare the attributes of the employers "default" fund with alternative funds/products, taking into account the individual member's current age, proposed retirement age, actual annual contribution and current fund balance as well as the actual fees and charges applying to the default and comparison funds.

Tender Management

Enables financial planners to easily manage a competitive tender for corporate superannuation funds.

It is clear that a number of financial planning firms would like to increase their involvement in the corporate superannuation market, but are hesitant due to their limited experience or effort involved.

This service allows the financial planner to confidently approach prospective clients and to undertake an corporate fund tender.

The financial planner, in conjunction with the corporate prospect, is able to individually weight the features of the products to easily, but comprehensively, analyse the various options and pricing.

Heron Advisor also generates a detailed and professional Tender Outcomes Report, in the form of a Statement of Advice, which includes product descriptions, comparative ratings for each selected product, independent assessment commentary from Heron, product fees and insurance charges, and outcome recommendations.

Benefit/Score ScattergraphWeighting analysis table

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Heron Advisor is a service provided by The Heron Partnership Pty Ltd (ABN 79 100 196 272 AFS Licence 252538)