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The Heron Partnership's Quality Star Product Ratings for 2024 are now featured on Heron Advisor.
Heron Advisor's "Features and Cost Comparison" module, in addition to providing a full comparison of product features, for up to 5 products at any one time, it also enables the modelling of the impact of fees and charges of each product over the lifetime of an individual's investment to retirement.
Heron Advisor's "Choice of Fund" module enables comparison of an employer's corporate plan, including the impact of actual fees and charges, with any other Heron Advisor assessed product. It will assist a new employee decide if they should join their employer's default fund or continue membership of their existing fund?

Is Heron Advisor just another fund comparison tool?

The ability to do comparisons of fund features and fees is only one of many features of Heron Advisor.

Whilst our comparison functionality certainly rivals that of other comparison products in the market, our key difference is in the range of additional features that Heron Advisor offers to advisers - such as the ability to model the impact of fees based on an individual's circumstances, the ability to run competitive corporate superannuation tenders in a matter of minutes and our calculators which model scenarios such as the transition to retirement strategy... just to name a few!

Do you have data on Industry Funds?

Yes we hold data on Industry Funds (including their public offer and corporate superannuation funds).

How many funds do you hold data on?

There are currently 58 funds with data available to subscribers. The list is given below and includes industry funds, retail funds and corporate funds.

We are continually adding to list of superannuation funds within the data base. The following list shows the funds currently available to Heron Advisor subscribers.

  • Active Super
  • AMP SignatureSuper
  • Australian Retirement Trust - QSuper - Accumulation Account
  • Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings - Accumulation Account
  • Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings Business - Accumulation Account
  • Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings Corporate - Accumulation Account
  • AustralianSuper Personal Plan
  • AustralianSuper Plan
  • AustralianSuper Select
  • Aware Super
  • Bendigo SmartStart Super
  • Brighter Super
  • BUSSQ MySuper
  • BUSSQ Premium Choice
  • CareSuper Employee Plan
  • CareSuper Personal Plan
  • Catholic Super
  • Cbus Corporate Super
  • Cbus Industry Super
  • Colonial First State FirstChoice Employer Super
  • Colonial First State FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super
  • Equip MyFuture
  • Equip MyFuture (Corporate)
  • First Super
  • HESTA Corporate Super
  • HESTA Super
  • Hostplus Executive
  • Hostplus Personal Super Plan
  • Hostplus Superannuation
  • ANZ Smart Choice Super and Pension
  • ANZ Smart Choice Super for employers and their employees (Employer Sponsored)
  • Expand Essential Super
  • Expand Extra Super
  • IOOF Employer Super
  • IOOF Personal Super
  • MLC MasterKey Business Super
  • MLC MasterKey Super Fundamentals
  • OneAnswer Frontier Personal Super
  • Plum Super - Corporate Division
  • Plum Super - Personal Division
  • legalsuper
  • Media Super Industry
  • Media Super Personal
  • Mercer SmartSuper Plan - Employer Section
  • Mercer SmartSuper Plan - Individual Section
  • Mercer Super Trust - Corporate Superannuation Division
  • Mine Super
  • NGS Super
  • REI Super
  • Rest Corporate
  • Rest Super
  • Russell Investments Master Trust - iQ Super - Employer
  • Russell Investments Master Trust - iQ Super - For Life
  • smartMonday DIRECT
  • smartMonday PRIME
  • TransPersonal
  • TWUSUPER (Industry)
  • Vision Super - Vision Personal

Why don't you have data on certain funds?

Heron Advisor has populated details of over 58 different superannuation products. We are regularly adding new funds into our data base, on the request of our subscribers.

From time to time, there are funds which we have tried to collect data on, but are not able to. There are several reasons for this.

In instances where we are not given authority to populate the data, we follow that request.

Please see the  list of funds which are not available to our subscribers, together with a brief description of the reasoning in some instances.

How often is the data updated?

Our data has been deliberately set up so that it can be updated at any time by product providers to change features or update information on their product. Each has direct access to the website where the data is stored.

Heron Advisor is immediately notified of any changes and is assigned to our workflow to be assessed.

Whilst an answer awaits assessment, a message will appear over the particular questions that have been updated, to indicate to users that the item is being reassessed. Once reassessed, we alter any score and amend our commentary to reflect the change. Once approved by Heron Advisor, the updated information is immediately accessible to subscribers.

This removes the possibility of information becoming outdated, as it would, if data was only refreshed on periodic (i.e. quarterly basis). This ensures that advisers using our system look good as they are totally up to date, and the product providers are happy as their product is also reflected in its current circumstances.

In addition, Heron Advisor is constantly monitoring any PDS updates for funds registered on our system and is alerted when any changes occur. This way, Heron Advisor often updates the information before the product providers!

What types of assessments do you cover?

We currently cover individual questions which we have grouped under the following headings:

How are the questions weighted?

As a standard we have set a default weighting as follows:

Can the weightings be adjusted?

Of course. We recognise that every adviser and every individual has different circumstances and goals which can dramatically affect recommendations.

Users have the ability to alter the weightings so they more accurately reflect the importance of each area to the client. This can often change ultimate outcomes, and tailors very specifically to the needs of the client.

Weighting adjustments are entered into the system and results appear immediately.

How are fees weighted?

We do not weight the fees in our score for a product. We do this because we believe a product should be rated on the depth and quality of its features. We do give you detailed information for the basis of the fees, analysis tools to compare fees against ratings, and can even estimate the impact of fees for each product, which leads to the question - "Which product provides value for money for what I am looking for?"

How quickly can we access Heron Advisor?

Once payment is received, we will issue you with a username and a password and you will then have immediate access to the system. It very fast and very easy!

What are the future plans for Heron Advisor?

Heron Advisor will continue to be a progressive, leading-edge product. We have planned for a number of enhancements to existing functionality as well as new modules which continue to add value to our subscribers.

If you have any suggestions for new Heron Advisor initiatives, please email us at

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Heron Advisor 2005 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Heron Advisor is a service provided by The Heron Partnership Pty Ltd (ABN 79 100 196 272 AFS Licence 252538)