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The Heron Partnership's Quality Star Product Ratings for 2024/25 are now featured on Heron Advisor.
Heron Advisor's "Features and Cost Comparison" module, in addition to providing a full comparison of product features, for up to 5 products at any one time, it also enables the modelling of the impact of fees and charges of each product over the lifetime of an individual's investment to retirement.
Heron Advisor's "Choice of Fund" module enables comparison of an employer's corporate plan, including the impact of actual fees and charges, with any other Heron Advisor assessed product. It will assist a new employee decide if they should join their employer's default fund or continue membership of their existing fund?


The Heron Partnership believes that privacy is a fundamental individual right and that it is important to our own business and to our clients.

We adhere with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the 13 Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Act, which govern the way we collect, utilise, disclose and secure information obtained by us in the course of our business.

Privacy on our Heron Advisor web site

Information collected

When you look at this web site, our Internet Service Provider makes a record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes:

When accessing our products or services electronically, we need to collect certain information to allow access and to verify that you have authority to access this information. We would generally collect your username and password to the particular service for this purpose.

Access to information collected

We will not make an attempt to identify users or their browsing activities, except as detailed above. However, in the unlikely event of an investigation, a law enforcement agency or other government agency may exercise its legal authority to inspect our Internet Service Provider's logs.

Use of information collected

We will only record personal details which you explicitly provide if you send us a message. Your e-mail address will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it, such as purchasing a product from us or contacting you about our products and services, and it will not be added to a mailing list or used for any other purpose without your consent. However, we may disclose your collected information to other parties, such as contractors, who provide IT and other related services to us. In providing any such information we will take appropriate action to ensure the other party/ies comply with privacy provisions and only utilise such information for the purpose required.

If you do not wish to receive information about our products and services you should email us at


Cookies are used on this website for the purpose of automatically authenticating users to the system, if that option is specifically selected by the user when logging into the system.

Email Privacy

Receiving information from Heron Advisor

Subscribers to the Heron Advisor service also consent to being contacted by Heron Advisor on the email address used to access the system. Emails may include any information deemed relevant and appropriate by The Heron Partnership and may include notifications about system enhancements, service disruptions or announcements.

Privacy in respect to personal information

Collection of information

The Heron Partnership through Heron Advisor does not collect personal information as it is not necessary for our business purposes.

In any event, we would not collect individual sensitive information without the consent of the individual concerned.

We do not sell or trade personal information.

This policy was last updated in April 2024.

For more information

Please contact Heron Advisor at

In addition, if you require further information about privacy and the protection of private information you could go to

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Heron Advisor 2005 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Heron Advisor is a service provided by The Heron Partnership Pty Ltd (ABN 79 100 196 272 AFS Licence 252538)