The comparative product ratings and commentary made by The Heron Partnership Pty Limited through Heron Advisor are subjective and are based on analysis of Product
Disclosure Statements, information provided by third parties, such as
financial institutions, and general market knowledge.
Although this analysis and information is considered to be accurate at
the time produced, The Heron Partnership Pty Limited gives neither a guarantee nor a
warranty nor makes any representation as to the correctness of the information
presented and accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracy in the information
provided to it, nor in it's own subjective judgement.
The product ratings and commentary do not constitute financial product
advice and have been produced without taking into account an individual's
financial needs, circumstances and objectives. The information derived
from the website is therefore not suitable to be acted upon as financial advice.
Any individual considering changes to their financial affairs should consult a licensed
financial adviser, so that their personal circumstances may be taken into account. In
addition, they should obtain a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) relating to the
product/s you are considering and understand the matters detailed in the PDS before
making a decision about whether to acquire the product.
Please refer to The Heron Partnership Pty Limited Financial Services Guide.